Alternative Route

Here is the map of the alternative route from Le Mont Gerbier-de-Jonc through Saint Eulalie and Usclades referred to in the post for Day 1. This is the only route for purists, since it follows the course of the early stage of the river Loire as closely as it is possible to get.
I regret not taking this more scenic itinerary, but there's nothing to done now.
From Issarlès, this route is exactly the same as the one I actually took.
Here are a few pictures of scenes along the route as far as Le Lac d'Issarlès.

Looking back at Gerbier-de-Jonc a few minutes into the descent.

The Loire just beyond Sainte Eulalie

The Loire gorge towards Rieutord

The Loire at La Palisse dam


Le Lac d'Issarlès
After Le Lac d'Issarlès the route is covered by the relevant portions of my post for Day 1.
From Solignac-sur-Loire there's also a voie verte cycle-track along the route of a former railway that goes to Brives-Charensac. This is a very pleasant ride, with fine views and dramatic aqueducts, though there are a lot of tunnels with rather unpredictable lighting arrangements in them. For further details see either :
or the af3v site: